Wraparound Care

Here at COTFC, we are doing our best to provide support for our foster/adoptive families. Below are the ways we are currently serving these families in our church and in our surrounding community.

 Respite Nights

Our Care Team serves Foster and Adoptive families in our church with a "Respite Night Out", allowing parents/caregivers the ability to get out for the night and have a few hours to refresh and recharge. If you are a foster &/or adoptive family, we would love to support you through this ministry!  

Please fill out the following form and we will be in touch as events are scheduled.

Volunteer Interest

Are you interested in volunteering for an upcoming Respite Night or being on our Wraparound Care team to help meet various needs for foster &/or adoptive families in our church and community? We would love to hear from you! A lot of us don’t even realize we have gifts to give, whether it be a meal, respite care, handyman projects, lawn care, etc. So many of our families are feeling overwhelmed and have a lack of support, so we want to change that. Fill out the form below if you would like to help and we will be in touch soon!

Care Portal

Care Portal is a local organization that serves area foster families and children at risk by providing tangible needs. In addition to families with young children, our Care Portal ministry at COTFC also includes seniors, the immunocompromised, and anyone who is differently abled. Signing up to receive notifications simply allows you the opportunity to be aware of a need (by email) and the chance to respond.