“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew 25:40

We are dedicated to supporting local and global organizations making a difference for the Kingdom of God through care and the meeting of tangible needs. We know that every person is made in the image of our Creator and it’s impossible for one church to meet every need. However, we can do our part by partnering together with organizations doing Kingdom work for the betterment of our community and each individual. We also believe in the important role churches play in expanding the Gospel and sharing the hope that can be found only in Jesus.

Each month, our church gives back 10% of every dollar that is given through tithes and offerings. These four categories include local missions (organizations in our community), global missions, church plants, and church benevolence, a fund dedicated to meeting tangible, emergent needs within our direct community.

See below the organizations we will be partnering with this month!

February Partners


Past Partners